MAVI MAWERA – Visualisation whenever and wherever you need it

We devel­oped this tool based on our years of expe­ri­ence in bio­mass com­bus­tion to ensure opti­mal sys­tem effi­cien­cy and upkeep for our cus­tomers.


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MAVI MAWERA offers sim­ple visu­al­i­sa­tion of the most impor­tant sys­tem para­me­ters – entire­ly cloud-based and plat­form-inde­pen­dent. This tool  allows mon­i­tor­ing of pre­con­fig­ured and stan­dard­ised live trends, such as sup­ply and return tem­per­a­ture, flame tem­per­a­ture, fuel quan­ti­ty and air flow rates. With the inter­ac­tive analy­sis and time-based fil­ter func­tion, any para­me­ters of the wood-burn­ing sys­tem can be com­bined in dia­grams for visu­al­i­sa­tion. To keep a con­tin­u­ous “watch” over the fur­nace, email noti­fi­ca­tions can be con­fig­ured for freely defin­able states / thresh­olds.

The pre­mi­um visu­al­i­sa­tion tool also serves as a graph­i­cal aid for pre­dic­tive sys­tem ser­vic­ing. Cus­tom 2D or 3D graph­i­cal rep­re­sen­ta­tions of the sys­tem can be cre­at­ed to meet cus­tomer-spe­cif­ic require­ments.

Pre­de­fined fore­casts and analy­ses are also pro­duced from the col­lect­ed data, mak­ing it pos­si­ble to opti­mise all heat­ing process­es, such as by reduc­ing down­time and pre­dict­ing pos­si­ble fail­ures.

Overview of MAVI MAWERA functions:

  • Cloud-based and acces­si­ble from any plat­form
  • Sim­ple dis­play of the most impor­tant sys­tem para­me­ters
  • Four pre­con­fig­ured trends
  • One freely con­fig­urable trend with selec­tion of the desired data point and time win­dow
  • User-defined noti­fi­ca­tion texts
  • Freely con­fig­urable email alerts when lim­its are exceed­ed, includ­ing log­i­cal AND/OR com­bi­na­tions
  • Email alert when user-defin­able thresh­olds are exceed­ed
  • 2D or 3D graph­ics
  • Visu­al­i­sa­tion of the val­ues on the sec­tion­al view
  • Pre­de­fined fore­casts and analy­ses
  • Be proac­tive, not reac­tive
